LumenHAUS on Times Square

LumenHAUS (2010)

LumenHAUS is the third solar house designed and built at Virginia Tech as part of a research program begun in 2002. An innovative design integrating architecture and technology, the project won the international Solar Decathlon Competition in Madrid, Spain in June of 2010. In January 2012 the LumenHAUS has won an AIA Honor Award for Architecture. This is the first time this award has been given to a university team.

As part of the LumenHAUS team, I was responsible for the design and implementation of an iPad application that could control certain aspects of the house and provide access to the sensor data available from the house. This involved close collaboration with a graphics designer in the design and layout of the different control screens while maintaining the LumenHAUS brand for the app. A sample of the wireframes developed during the design are shown below.

Hi-Fi Wireframe of Landing PageHi-Fi Wireframe of Lighting ControlsHi-Fi Wireframe of Shade ControlsHi-Fi Wireframe of Lighting Controls (Landscape)

The app communicated with a server component through a socket connection, reading and writing the configuration state of the various house controls through a SAX XML parser. Screenshots of the finished app are highlighted below.

LumenHAUS iPad app - Connection ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - Current Energy Production ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - Per Month Energy Production ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - Environmental Sensor Screen - KitchenLumenHAUS iPad app - Environmental Sensor Screen - OfficeLumenHAUS iPad app - Environmental Sensor Screen - EntranceLumenHAUS iPad app - Environmental Sensor Screen - BathroomLumenHAUS iPad app - Environmental Sensor Screen - OutsideLumenHAUS iPad app - HVAC Control ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - HVAC Presets ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - Northern Entrances Access Control Monitor ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - Southern Entrances Access Control Monitor ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - Main Entrance Access Control ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - North-West Eclipsis Panel Control ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - North-East Eclipsis Panel Control ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - South-West Eclipsis Panel Control ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - South-East Eclipsis Panel Control ScreenLumenHAUS iPad app - Lighting Control Screen - Sage GlassLumenHAUS iPad app - Lighting Control Screen - Kitchen